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Celebrating Embrace Your Geekness Day

Celebrating Embrace Your Geekness Day
Being a geek feels awesome and when someone calls you a geek or if your geekness makes you a special person among your friends, it gives a nice feeling. Well, I'm publishing this post to celebrate "Embrace Your Geekness Day" with SingleHop. They asked me some questions and I'd be happy to answer them. Here are the questions and my answers to them:

What Makes You A Geek?
I'm curious about anything, specially about computers. I spend my maximum time with computers and while sleeping also, I keep my laptop beside me. I assume my lappy as my girlfriend and she is the best girlfriend who does anything ordered by me without messing up with me :p
Whenever I get any challenge or get any problem to solve, my mind turns into "HULK" and I start fighting with my books and internet and don't quit until I get that problem solved. I'm a crazy tech lover also and I de-assemble anything which I purchase to see what's inside it, even my new cellphone also. I love my blogs. All these things make me a Geek.

What is your proudest geek moment?
Actually at that time I was about 12 years old child. I could remember that I went to a local computer institute to inquire about a basic computer course. I wanted to learn MS Office in that institute. Then I heard some students talking about any problem they were facing in their computer lab. Because of my curiosity, I just came out of the counselor's cabin and entered into the lab. There I came to know that any student has set BIOS password in one PC and forgot the password. Teachers were not able to understand what to do that time. I said that I could crack the password if they allow me and within 3 minutes, I cracked the password and PC got started. At that time, everyone appreciated me and that was my first proudest geek moment. After that incident, I solved so many problems but that was my first proud geek feeling, which became a memory for me.

What is your geek motto/favorite geek quote?
I don't know whether it would be called a geek quote or not, but my favorite quote is : "Be the change you want to see in the others"

Who is your geek role model?
Honestly saying, I don't have any role model. I entered into the field of computers when I was an eight years old child and since that time, I do whatever I like instead of following anyone.

Which SingleHopper geek do you most relate to? Why?
I didn't heard about any SingleHopper geek before, but when I browsed SingleHop blog, I found Andrew Brooks to relate with me. He also solves complicated problems like me and is a security professional. :)

How familiar are you with SingleHop’s product offerings (dedicated servers, private cloud hosting, managed hosting, etc.)?
Sorry to say, but I never heard about SingleHop before they contacted me to be a part of celebration of Geekness Day. If you want more information about SingleHop, you may check their new private cloud hosting page!)

Anything else you think we should know? 
Not much, but one thing I've noticed that people treat we geeks as if we are aliens. Some of them think we know everything and some of them don't like talking to us. This happens with me also, when I talk to other geeks, they are very interested in talking with me and I also enjoy their company. But when it comes talking with normal guys, they stare at me as if I'm a ghost, haha. My talks seem to be strange for them. I accept that we talk in a different manner and about different things but it doesn't mean that we are not suitable to join other people. We are also human beings who like the company of geeks as well as other people also. Although we don't have much time to spend with other people but we must also be accepted among them as normal guys.
By the way, I found this image which tells about geeks and nerds and thought I should share it with you all. Just click on the image to enlarge it.
geeks and nerds


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