Bypass Surveys On Any Site
Hi friends, many times while downloading some contents, some irritating surveys appear and make us angry. I have a solution to block or bypass these surveys which really works for so many sites.
Follow these steps:
1. Visit THIS SITE.
2. Copy the javascript given on this page and paste in address bar of the site on which survey is appearing.
3. Hit enter. Your survey will be removed.
1. Visit THIS SITE.
2. Download the browser extension according to your browser.
3. Click Get The Addon.
4. Now read the instructions of the site to get activation key for addon.
I recommend javascript trick.
Follow these steps:
1. Visit THIS SITE.
2. Copy the javascript given on this page and paste in address bar of the site on which survey is appearing.
3. Hit enter. Your survey will be removed.
1. Visit THIS SITE.
2. Download the browser extension according to your browser.
3. Click Get The Addon.
4. Now read the instructions of the site to get activation key for addon.
I recommend javascript trick.
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